I have always loved capturing images of nature. My first camera was a small 120 film Agfa Apotar camera in which everything was manually set either using a hand held light meter or guessing on the exposure. Shortly after college I purchased a Pentax Spotmatic and moved up the automation chain with a match needle system. Marriage, military service and career occupied me and I took predominately personal and family photos. Now that I am retired I'm able to pursue artistic endeavors and specifically, images of nature.
Instead of separating all the images geographically I've created galleries that span many genres, themes, and locations. Browse around the site and you'll find a wide variety of images.
Be sure and visit the "Most Recent" which highlights photos of the most recent trips.
Images are available in multiple sizes and formats. If you wish to purchase an image email me at [email protected].
I hope you enjoy the images.
Sincerely.......Joe Kovarik
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Created 12-Dec-24
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Natures Brushstrokes
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Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
Wall Prints
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Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
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Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
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68 photos
Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
Visitors 36
48 photos
Created 19-Jun-24
Modified 19-Jun-24
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56 photos
Created 18-Jun-24
Modified 18-Jun-24
Animals and Birds
Visitors 39
53 photos
Created 18-Jun-24
Modified 18-Jun-24
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Created 12-Dec-24
Modified 12-Dec-24
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153 photos
Created 13-Jun-24
Modified 13-Jun-24
Colorado Plateau
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Modified 13-Jun-24
287 photos
The Things of Man
Galleries 6
Modified 13-Oct-22
207 photos
The Southeast
Galleries 3
Modified 13-Oct-22
193 photos
Galleries 5
Modified 4-Jun-24
356 photos
Flora and Fauna
Galleries 4
Modified 13-Oct-22
159 photos
Sky and Art
Galleries 2
Modified 13-Oct-22
89 photos
The Rest
Galleries 2
Modified 13-Oct-22
55 photos
Wall Prints
Visitors 13
48 photos
Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
Natures Brushstrokes
Visitors 9
22 photos
Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
Guestbook for Joseph Kovarik Photography
Terry Fisher(non-registered)
Absolutely wonderful images. Looking forward to your presentation at the GNPA meeting on September 10 at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. Thanks for sharing your passion and talents.
Dave Binder(non-registered)
Amazing photos Joe. You have the talent to capture the moment. So glad your Health allows you to pursue your passion. Happy New Year
Dan DePalma(non-registered)
Hi Joe...really liked your pictures, Beautiful work. Will be moving to northern CO later this month. Hope to get in touch.
Jack Malloch(non-registered)
Really beautiful work here, Joe! Konnie and I saw your entries at the Sunny Vista Art Show, and then I was so happy to find your web page.
Jim & Donna Hunt
Joe, another wonderful talent you have!! Thanks for sharing God's gift with all of us and taking us to another place!!!! Love you!